How to learn a language with Brian Kwong from the #Add1Challenge

10th February 2017

Last year, I was toying around with the idea of learning German but not doing much about it. Then one afternoon, after being sucked into a YouTube rabbit hole, I came across a video of this really enthusiastic dude who had set himself a challenge: to have a 15 minute conversation with a native German speaker after 90 days. He was bounding around, chatting away in German and his enthusiasm was infectious. My initial thoughts were:
  1. What is this guy on - and where can I get some?
  2. I want to learn German like that!
After his German mission, Brian realised that he achieved more when he teamed up with other people who had the same goal, compared to learning alone (science supports this idea too). So he started bringing together other language learners to help them have a 15 minute conversation with a native speaker after 90 days, and the Add1Challenge was born. I joined the Add1Challenge for German last year and I'm now doing it for Mandarin Chinese. After having met Brian while doing the challenges, I'm happy to confirm that he's just as enthusiastic about languages in real life! Brian's helped tons of people learn a language over the last few years and his advice is really worth listening to. Today, he's going to share his 3 keys to:
  • Lasting motivation
  • Effortless study
  • Reaching your language goals

Join in!

If you'd like to join in, you can apply for the Add1Challenge here.

What do you think?

After you've watched the video, I'd like to hear from you: which of the 3 keys do you think is the most useful? How can you implement these ideas in your own language learning routine? Happy learning!


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