I decided to give up on Spanish. Here's why.

4th April 2018

A few months ago, I had a plan: to try and get fluent in Spanish by this summer. But as tends to happen with plans, things didn't go as expected.

A few months ago, I had a plan.

The idea was to try and get fluent in Spanish by this summer. But as often happens with plans, things aren't going quite as expected.

For a while, I’ve had this nagging thought in the back of my mind that I can't keep ignoring. And if I want to do something about it, I'm going to have to put my Spanish mission on hold.

But it’s all for a good cause. I’m sacrificing Spanish to make room for something that I’m really excited about. In this week's video post, find out why I’ve decided to stop learning Spanish and what I’m doing instead.

It's something you can get involved in too!

I'm excited about the idea of speaking Chinese, but I know it won't be easy to motivate myself to do the work: compared to the other languages I've studied, progress is slower and it's harder to find fun ways to learn.

When I did the Add1Challenge in Mandarin Chinese last year, I made loads more progress than if I'd tried going it alone. Teaming up with a community of language learners gave me structure and made me more accountable (and it was a lot more fun!)

To make sure I make as much progress in Mandarin Chinese as humanly possible over the next 3 months, I'm joining the Add1challenge again. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in, click here to learn more about how the add1challenge works, and find out when the next one starts.

Full disclosure: This is an affiliate link. I only ever recommend programmes that I use myself and believe will help you make real progress in your target language. If you join the Add1challenge through the links on this page, you’ll learn to speak a language and support joy of languages at the same time - gracias!


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